still going,on and on
Written at 2:30 p.m. on 2004-09-08

yes i am still going on ,and on about this shit!!! I was never the one,to get into this stuff,but this year has made me think alot,about the things that are going on... And when i vote this year it will matter....


"John Kerry announced his eighth distinct position on the war in Iraq this week, stealing lines from the angry attacks of anti-war candidate Howard Dean, attacks that Kerry himself criticized at the time. John Kerry voted for the war, but voted against funds for our troops, and after saying he was 'proud' of voting against money for the troops, he now says that the money could have been better used elsewhere. Americans expect a commander-in-chief to provide unconditional support to our troops on the front lines - not play politics. President Bush is funding our nation's priorities while John Kerry can't keep his story straight for 24 hours about what his priorities would be."

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