baby turkey...... you are a star to me
Written at 8:29 a.m. on 2004-11-15

Well it was not much of a weekend but I made the best of it.

I can not remember the last time I worked on the weekend. But one thing is for certin, I love the time and 1/2 on my pay check.

My big day is coming!!! woooho. My nerves are calm now,but the excitment is just out of control!!! I have a funny feeling that this week is going to go by so slow. some say if you don't think about it time will go by fast!!! "yea right me not think about it,do you know how long I have waited for this moment"!

5 more days of excitment :)

On sunday Scooby and I did some food shopping,well let me say that again! SCOOBY went shopping for food. Every time I turned around there was something else in the cart,and I did not put it there!

But you see most kids would put candy and junk food in the cart.But not my kid,the first thing she put in the cart with out me noticing was,bacon and then she got some dried fruits in the there.

She begged for clams,and carryed a frozen turkey around like a baby,well at first it was funny and the little old ladys were laughing so hard,I thought for sure they were going to wet there pants. I had one eye on the ladys and the other on Scooby just waiting for an accident to happen! It could have been a day of wet pants and broken toes!!! well no one got hurt except for my bank account!

And to my sweet friend Pinkbowshoe,

you just remember you are a star in my eyes now matter what happend on that field! Some will never get as far as you have this past year,and we are all so very proud of you!

Love you always,

before | and | after