sad day for my family" stress"
Written at 6:03 p.m. on 2004-11-16

Last night was nice Scooby and I came home and cleaned the house. It takes her 3 or 4 days to get her room all the way clean,last night was a nice treat to have her finish it in one night.

I wish I could say today was as good as last night,but i can not. My aunt called around 10:00am she wanted me to know that they took my Mommom to the hospital,because she was having pains in her legs and her cheast.

I flew out for work and headed straight for the hospital. She was sound asleep when i showed up,So I curled up in the bed with her,and as soon as she seen me she started to tear up. I felt helpless,there was nothing i could do but hold her.

When it come to family members it's getting pretty slim,so when someone is is hurt or not feeling well i start to worry.

I think She is going to be ok, they are going to keep her for a few more days. She is very lucky she went in when she did,they did found somethings going on in her body that were important that she taken care of.

And not to mention that i am here at work until 9:00pm and i got here at 7:30am, you know i just love tuesdays. I almost forgot to mention I am feeling a little under the weather. I am just hoping that i feel better by friday,and my Mommom is home by then. If things are the same by thursday "with Mommom" I will not be going to seattle:( And Rick would understand,because he is such a sweet person.

well beings that i have a few hours left at work i better get some stuff done before is time to go!

I will keep you up to date on Mommom.
A little prayer would do some good

Thank you all,

before | and | after