2 days of wondering
Written at 12:44 p.m. on 2004-12-09

I have to say these past two days have had my mind wondering.

I have not heard from Rick in two days(i know 2 days is nothing to some)The last time we spoke he said he was going to put in for leave for the Holidays,and i have not heard from him since then. This kinda makes planing for the Holidays a little harder,not knowing when he will be here,what time i should leave for my brothers house which is, 3 hours away,and buying gifts...should i or should i not?

I so do not need these things around the Holidays,or for that matter at all.But that is how life goes,just when you think things are going your way! BoooooooM!!! shit starts to fly in your direction.

When it come to Rick and I..... there is alot of thinking that has to be done,not on my part but on his. I understand that living 3 thousand miles apart is not easy.But when you love someone those things don't matter,you will go the extra distance to make it work.

I guess time will tell all.But lets just get this part straight,the time in my life is precious and i can not,and will not wait forever.I live my life everyday as if it were my last.

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