not coming home for the holidays
Written at 7:50 a.m. on 2004-12-10

Well i wish I could things are going good for me,but i can not.Last night Rick called and after 2 days of not hearing from him he called to tell me he was not going to make it home for the holidays this year. Part of me just wants to cry and the other part of me just says you can get through this.

I have looked foward to the holidays this year,but not having him here will make it a little hard to enjoy myself.

Understanding this is his job,is the easy part,excepting it is the hard part.This is life,go with the flow. What you can not change learn how to except it for what it's worth.

So as the holidays draw near, not having him here will be hard.But I will have my family home for the holidays for the first time in years,and that is something to smile about:)

Ta Ta for now,

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