Good friends & Family
Written at 7:41 a.m. on 2004-10-21

A new day in on the way,I made it through yesterday just fine. I had one crying spell,thanks to the person who never wants to see me cry,or even for that matter get upset.

The crying spell was not because of my Mom being gone,it was that, when I came back from my lunch break I looked on my desk and there sat a bundle if bright beautiful Gerber daisies with a note attached that said " I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you, DELYNN.

The tears just started to run down my face like rain. It was one of the best felling that I have had in a long time,a true friend is what she is. All the things that are going on in her life,and she still finds time to let me know that she is there for me,through it all. I have to say I'am truley blessed to have her as a friend. Thank you for always being there for me through the good and the bad.It's nice to know that when I fall you are there to help me through it all!

Well scooby and I are back on track. No coughing for 2 days now and counting "yippie" she is still on her meds,and we will be done with them soon.

I forgot to add this in yestredays entry. when Scooby and I woke up yesterday morning(on time) we got dressed and before we left the house I asked her what perfume she wanted to wear. She has been on this perfume kick since my Mom passed away,she wore her perfume everyday for two years,if it was not one it was another,I assume it was her way of feeling close to her Mommom. So yesterday she wanted to wear her perfume. I asked her if she knew what today was? and is replied "No" today it has been three years since Mommom been gone. Well as I was talking to her my eyes started to water up,and she looked at me and said "Mom lets not talk about it because your going to cry,like you always do. It will be ok"

I could not help but to laugh. Here I'am her mother and she is telling me what to do and what not to do. She is one remarkable child in my eyes,she is my back bone and the one thing that keeps me on my toes. I love her so much!

My brother is here and nestled into his new home with his family,and I'am not going to bother,well for now anyway! but it is a great comfort to know he is only 2 hours away!

My love life.............................


before | and | after