back to life
Written at 7:59 a.m. on 2004-11-05

Getting on with life.......

Lets see if I can catch up,Ok back to Hallowwen.

Scooby,jenn,and I had a blast. Being albe to do these things with you child is so exciting. I started to get Scooby ready an hour before it was time to leave. I had to do her hair,makeup,and get her dressed.

I have to say this,she was the sweetest thing I ever did see. Finding her costume was not easy.We serched store after store looking for a costume that was just right. she wanted to be Britney Spears,well my anwser to that was no way! you are 6 years old and your not going to walk around with a belly shirt.So as we walked around a little more we finally found the right one,she was a 50's waitress you know the kind that wear the roller skates. People must have thought the same thing because all night people were like "that is so sweet" "can I take her picture" I have to agree she was cute! I will try to post a picture when I get them back.

One more thing! she wore fish net pantyhoes,well thigh highs (on her) But the funny part is that the fish nets she had on,were my knee highs!

Well off to Seattle I go,I have a little more time left,and its going slow!!!! ok well my dear friend just came down stairs and showed he her hand (her left hand)!!!!!! I am so happy for her! But I will let her tell you the rest!!! you have to go to pinkbowshoe diary to get all the info!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! TA-TA FOR NOW, CHICADEE80

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